Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Does The Lemonade Diet Work?

Lemonade DietAccording to actress, singer, performer, Beyonce, the lemonade diet works for losing weight. The status of the lemonade diet began to grow after the celebrity told the public that she had used the lemonade diet in order to lose weight for a movie role. Since then, thousands of Americans have embraced the lemonade diet in an effort to get thin fast.

The lemonade diet has been around sine the 1940s, when it was written as a health cleansing procedure. The goal of the lemonade diet, at that time, was to eradicate harmful toxins associated with pain and disease. Since then, many people have attached some astonishing claims to their regimen on the lemonade diet.

Supposedly, the lemonade diet reduces pain, arthritis, and gastrointestinal disorders. It is also said to purify and energize the body, and add to mental well-being.

It is hard to substantiate any claims of healing or improving the body. Before the lemonade diet could be substantiated as beneficial to any of these conditions, or to the body in general, stringent study and evaluation must take place. At this point in time, no one has stepped forward to study the lemonade diet.

Supporters of the procedure say that such cleansing of the body, as can be achieved through the lemonade diet, becomes more necessary as our society trends to damaging eating habits and pollution of our bodies. In order to be healthy, they might argue, we need to clean the poisons out of our bodies.

On the other side, some doctors and dieticians counter that; our bodies are well equipped to fight toxins and poisons without engaging in severe procedures like the lemonade diet. The lemonade diet advocates might respond that, our current eating habits and induction of things like saturated fats, high fructose corn syrup, and carcinogens into our bodies requires more help than our metabolisms can offer.

So, whether or not the lemonade diet works as a detoxifier and rejuvenator, plenty can say, but no one can prove. Many people who have gone on the diet credit it with a rejuvenating effect, and others claim the elimination of aches, pains, and internal distress. So, as to whether the lemonade diet works to heal your body or improve your gastrointestinal system, we cannot say for sure. Ask someone who has tried it and see what they say.

As to whether the lemonade diet works to reduce your weight or not, the answer is yes. How much weight you lose depends upon how long you stay on the lemonade diet. How long you stay on the lemonade diet depends upon how long you can hack it.

The lemonade diet is harsh. You do not eat any solid food at all. That is basically why you are bound to lose weight on the lemonade diet. Whether that weight will stay off or not is debatable. Most resultant weight loss on the lemonade diet is from a reduction in fluids and water. It is generally believed that half of the weight you lose on the lemonade diet will rebound as a course of nature. How much you can keep off beyond that only your experience can answer